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TitanQuest Steam Anniversary Edition


WE appreciate the release of TQ2 in early 2024

I like this well designed mythological antique and highly atmospheric HacknSlay very much! The Titan Quest Steam Anniversary Edition obtains new shaders and DirectX11 support including the first expansion Immortal Throne (1/4) in higher resolutions. You even have got water reflections now. The magic graphics seems to be better now. There are still updates by the developers! You can combine 11 masteries to play 47 different classes. The game contains exactly 99 (+30 EE EXP) types of Monsters and huge amount of Items, so you can explore very much.
Best farming spots for me are: spider queen Arachne at olivenhain, the 3 gorgon queens at Pythian Caves and croc boss Hyiosouchos at Sandverschüttete Höhle in Hathorbecken, Telkines and Titans. In a nutshell every boss is worth to farm, they have often drops they can equipped. The 4th expansion came out shortly on december 3rd 2021 and offers more content. Epic difficult can be played when complete all DLCs in normal and lvl 45 and offers better loot and new artifacts among other things. There are also some secrets, like the turtle level and the temple of hidden sun, it is difficult to get a full set, Open quests: Zauberfragmente. Browse items in the TitanQuest database.
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Immortal Throne

hat mir sehr gut gefallen und hat überraschend viel spannenden Inhalt. Fügt Karawane (Lagerplatz), Schriftrollen, Artefakte hinzu. Erhöht maximal Level auf 75.


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Dorthin gelangst du von Rhodos aus, die Treppen runter an den Strand. Unten links steht Marino, mit dem Du 2 mal plauderst und danach mit dem Kapitän. Fügt Glückspiel und einen neuen Endlos-Überlebens-Spielmodus zum leveln und farmen hinzu.


Den Norden erreichst Du nach Abschluss der Hades Questreihe nach Immortal Throne
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durch das Portal beim Endboss. ...fügt aber wohl neue Geheimnisse in frühere Akte.

Eternal Embers

fehlt mir noch ...

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letzte Aktualisierung 2024-09-16 07:16:22 von admin

Graphics by GIMP

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